Find your Strongest Life by Marcus Buckingham – Book Review

Are you in a dead end job that drains the life out of you each day?  When you arrive home at the end of the day you have no energy to be present for your family?  Almost everyone has been in this position at one time or another.  "Find Your Strongest Life" should be read by every woman of every age so that you know what action to take to propel yourself from this situation.image

I wish this book had been written when I was 20 instead of 62.  I was hooked by the middle of the Ten Myths About The Lives of Women at the beginning of the book.  Some of these I knew, some applied to me and some didn’t, but I see them everyday in the lives of the women I know and meet.  Marcus makes it so clear for you to find your strongest life by using the the online "The Strong Life Test for Women".  Each woman should take the test immediately upon ordering the book.  You will have some idea of what your focus should be as you read the book.

In a phone conversation with a colleague a few weeks ago, I said I was at a time in my life when I was trying to decide what to do when I grow up.  He laughed and thought I should really be thinking about retirement.  The timing of this book is so appropriate.  I like what I do, but I am assessing how I move to doing what I love to do.

I really like the "What to Take Away" at the end of each chapter.  A great way to focus on the points of the chapter.  Marcus has provided the tools for me to reassess where I am, where I am going.  I rarely write in a book or mark important information.  That is not the case here.  There are notes, earmarked pages, and post it notes.  I intend to use this book as a reference for planning my future.

Every young woman in my family will be receiving a copy of this book shortly.

Thank you Marcus.

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